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About Our Story

Welcome to EP Church Dela Parish

Brief From History

EPC Dela Parish is part of the Christian Church Association in Ghana, a country dominated by christian people both young and old. We are one of six Synods, comprising 600 congregations and more than 60,000 members. We also have eight presbyteries and 12 schools. Our ministers are men and women and we worship every week in more than 5 languages. Through worship, sharing the story of Jesus, and service in the community, we witness to the belief that life is most fully found in God.

EPC Dela Parish was founded in 1950, when few people, the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and the Congregational Union of Ghana – came together to create the first church in and of Ghana. We acknowledge that we live and work on Volta land and remain deeply committed to removing systems and structures of discrimination.

Our Vision & Mission

To be a vibrant, healthy community of Christ followers, growing and reproducing ourselves to accomplish His dream for EP Church in Ghana.

Building God’s house through intimate relationship with Him, genuine friendship, unity, and covenantal love with one another; sharing His love through the power of the Holy Spirit healing the sick and setting the oppressed free.

Our Leadership
